Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog Assignment # 1 Information Processing Theory & Visual Communication


Information processing is how a person takes in the visual image so the brain will draw on long-term memory to make sense of the information. There needs to be a connection to previously learned information for new images to make sense. It is less likely for new images and information to cross into long-term memory if this connection does not happen.
Short-term memory can handle a limited amount of information at a given time. This optimum amount of information is called chunking and should consist of no more than 5-9 pieces of information. More than this amount will be overload. Therefore, to make effective visual communication the creator should keep the information concise and connected to life experiences of the viewer. Extraneous information should be kept to a minimum.
Successful advertisements keep to this design theory. One of the most successful advertisements comes from 1970s. It was a PSA for “Keep America Beautiful” and showed a Native-American surrounded by garbage and a single tear on his face. Its success was in its simplicity. Using strong music, the impact of splattering trash at his feet, and the single tear made this a very effective commercial. The only spoken part came at the end. The viewer was ready for the explanation because the silent drama, ending with the single tear, made the connection of pain and despair. The chunk of information was kept in the optimum range.


Kearsley, G. (2010). Information processing theory (G. Miller). Retrieved September 11, 2010, from http://tip.psychology.org/miller.html

Pollution: Keep America beautiful – canoe. (2007, August 7). Retrieved September 11, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=862cXNfxwmE

Thadani, R. (2010, May 29). Information processing theory. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/information-processing-theory.html

Image from: sandgetsinmyeyes.blogspot.com Retrieved September 11, 2010, from Google Images

Thursday, September 2, 2010

PicLit try

PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com

First time blog posting

This is exciting!  I have never done a blog before!!  Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?